
Please Sign Our Guestbook.
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Name: James Kearney
My name is James Michael Kearney, born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA to Patrick Kearney of Newport, County Mayo and Rose Campbell Kearney of Glasgow, Scotland. They immigrated to Cleveland in the 1930's. I have a brother Patrick and a sister Jeannette both of who live in the US. I am retired and live in FRANCE. Can any Kearney join this Kearney organization? My email is [email protected]. Thank you and don't forget that there are two kind of people in the world, Irish and those who wish they were.
Name: Sean ( Franks )
It Is with great shock and sadness that we learn of the sudden death of Harrys Seamus of Mountgawn . Our Deepest sympathy to Annie ,Catherine ,Harry and  Aunt Georgie and Danny and all Seamus s Brothers and sisters and extended Family . You are in our thoughts and prayers.
  From Sean and family at Skerdan
Name: shea(sheila's grandson)
the reunion was a blast we all enjoyed it the wee ones  loved it we all can't wait till the next one.  
Name: Sean Thomas Traynor
Just googled Lisnagarran after getting my first certificate stating the name. Seems two families of this area are in my tree firstly Kirkwood and Rainey. Your site is a fantastic inspiration to anyone undertaking a genealogy interest. Well done
Sean TT
Name: Frances Kearney Waldynski
I was born in Buffalo,New York. I now live in a Chicago suburb. I was born in 1952, a first generation American.  I would enjoy some involvement with my heretage. Can I be included on an e-mail list? Thank you so much for this website. e-mail: [email protected].
Name: Donnamarie Kearney
Great website, fantastic info!! I am currently investigating my family tree to establish which Kearney clan I decend from, wish me luck!! All the best for 2009!!
Name: Patricia & Peter McLernon
Hi everyone all 800!!! Wish all the clan every blessing for 2009. Congratulations Martin and Grace on joining the Granda and Granny club, you will enjoy every minute of it. Roll on July for another big day out (hopefully) Slan xxx
Name: Mary McKenna Mick/Bridie
Happy New Year from Ottawa, Canada to all the Kearneys far and near.  All the best in 2009.
Name: Olive (Mick's)
A Very Happy & Holy New year to everyone from all the McAtamney's
Name: Kelly Kearney from Olympia, Washington, U.S.
What a lovely site.  I was curious if there is a plaid for the Kearney Clan.  I have married into the family and am not sure if we have a specific plaid or one that most of the clan chooses to claim.  I am not sure where to look.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

Kelly Kearney
[email protected]
Name: Olive (Mick's)
I would like to wish all the clan a Very Happy & Holy New Year form the McAtamney Family.
God Bless All
Name: Benny, Brigid & family (Pats)
Hi everyone, we would just like to wish all the clan a happy and holy new year. We had a great day at Patrick & Aines (nee Kelly) wedding day on the 20th December 2008, a big thank you to everyone for
the gifts and good wishes.
All the best from Benny, Brigid, Patrick, Aine, Sarah, Steff and Julie
Name: Attracta (Pat's)
Since the reunion the memories linger on with thoughts of friendship, love and sharing of life's surprises.  At this time I will lay my sincere gratitude to everyone and I send Christmas Blessinigs to you all with lots of love, from Attracta.
Name: Sean ( Franks )
happy Christmas to all the clan and peace and joy in your homes where ever you are  in the world  and congratulations to  Grainne and Peter  (Martin and Grace)of Tigh-na-Banna on the arrival of Roisin . I understand Grace is quite busy at the moment  with baby sitting duty.
All the best Sean
Name: Brianna Kearney
Hi all just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This site is great!

happy holidays,
Brianna Kearney (Detroit, Michigan)
Kearney Reunion 2008 Kearney Reunion 2008 Kearney Reunion 2008